пʼятниця, 22 червня 2012 р.

Remote management and monitoring

Anyplace Control remote desktop program displays the screens of remote PCs in separate windows RScreen. Remote screen sharing tool - the main interface to the remote PC. In this window you can control a remote PC using the mouse and keyboard.Several RScreen-windows can be open simultaneously, so that you can watch for multiple monitors. You can place the windows on your desktop as you wish, but you can minimize them.

Remote Desktop - accessible version of "teleportation" 

Modern communication technologies make us more independent. Distances have almost ceased to be an obstacle to communication and information exchange, but teleportation is nevertheless still not yet invented. However, often there is a need not only a passive exchange of information remotely, but also the active participation of both parties to work on it or its modification.Then come to the aid of remote desktop - the way how to connect to your computer and remotely manage the computer, being away from him, even the most remote in the range of planet Earth.

Function "Remote Desktop" can be created by software installed on computers in contact, or a special program webinar , which participants use a communication session, going to a site specializing in providing services teleconferencing , in which case the installation Software on the participating computers is required.

What can be done using remote desktop? 

With such custom remote desktop tool as for example abtoVNC, you can do everything the same as that with the help of the operating table where you sit.That is - fully working, despite the great distance that separates the computer and user. In other words, it can be seen in a separate window or maximized remote computer's desktop, and everything is there: the icons and the icons of programs that are open Web Applications and, of course, the cursor.

You can open any programs for business and work in them, and go into all the directories the remote computer, see the existing files there, and edit them.Thus, a work desk, remote, is no different from the normal desktop, unless of course forget about the distance separating the screen and the user.Meanwhile, the existence of such a distance and makes this feature much in demand.

When using remote desktop? 

There are many situations, both official and private order, when this feature can be useful and even indispensable. Remote Desktop is often used in remote administration and support for the client when a network administrator, geographically dispersed, or even within a single building can go into your computer, configure the system or eliminate these issues, without getting up from your desk.The same functions and remote Help Desk service, the user can get professional help, without causing a specialist to your computer physically.At the household level, the remote desktop feature can help you turn to for advice about your computer to a more experienced friend, not explaining the problem in words, but demonstrating in practice. And he - effectively help You have demonstrated you are on your same computer and how to do it.And that's not counting the opportunity to play, such as chess with a friend living in another country, on his computer, or to pass Distance Learning in the best schools Learning English online .

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